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A chat about Upper Arlington and Insight2050

By August 20, 2020Headlines, Project Updates
People participating in a round-table discussion
Jamie Greene participating in an Insight2050 round-table discussion. (Source:

Insight2050 is an effort led by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), Columbus 2020, and the Columbus District Council of the Urban Land Institute. By 2050, Central Ohio is projected to grow by a million people. This effort helps address the issues and opportunities related to the projected growth.

Insight2050 came about after more than a decade of conversations with MORPC member communities, as well as private-sector planners and developers. Planning NEXT’s work with The City of Upper Arlington, OH is one part of that story.

Planning NEXT’s Jamie Greene recently spoke with Brian Williams, Senior Planner from MORPC about the firm’s work for the City of Upper Arlington, including a “plan for the plan”, a vision process, a comprehensive plan, area plans and Ohio’s first Unified Development Ordinance. The City has worked diligently at implementing the plans and all of this work was accomplished with significant engagement of the community.

Read the full Insight2050 article