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Gahanna Residents Plan to Go Forward

By February 5, 2016February 10th, 2016Project Updates


GoForwardGahanna_logo_FINAL_colorThe City of Gahanna, Ohio is reaching out to residents to voice their ideas and priorities for moving the community forward. Planning NEXT is in the process of facilitating nine public meetings in a three-week public engagement process. The meetings, covering general and specific topics, are gathering hundreds of ideas that will inform city leaders as they develop a three-to-five year strategic plan titled Go Forward Gahanna. The story was captured by ThisWeek Community News and was featured on their website along with a video.

In working with GoForward Gahanna, team member Brian Ashworth celebrates his first time leading a public meeting with Planning NEXT.  “It’s inspiring to see how excited people are,” said Brian, “—and to get to know the community members who return to contribute to more than one topic or volunteer to be table leaders.”

The meetings have been attended by all ages and types of individuals who care about the future of Gahanna.

“This is an amazing project, and I’m thrilled to have you here,” said Jennifer Teal, city administrator. “This is our seventh public-engagement meeting in the last two weeks. It’s a delightful opportunity to hear what’s important to the community.”