Age-Friendly Columbus 
Strategic Plan

Like many regions across the United States, Central Ohio is expected to see a dramatic increase of older residents, with the population of residents 65 years or older anticipated to double over the next 35 years. The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) launched a multifaceted effort, called Age-Friendly Columbus, to ensure individuals of all ages can remain in their neighborhoods and live a high quality of life. During Phase I of the project, MORPC conducted a year-long assessment utilizing research, field work, and outreach on the age-friendliness of Columbus. The biggest challenges revealed during Phase I set the foundation for Phase II, the strategic planning process.

Creating an Age-Friendly Columbus

Planning NEXT facilitated Phase II of the process: the preparation of a strategic plan that would outline the vision, goals, and strategies to create an Age-Friendly Columbus. The strategic planning process focused on planning with, not for, older adults. Through multiple working group meetings and a public workshop, the planning team worked to ensure that the plan truly addressed the most urgent needs of Columbus’ older adult community.

Targeted Workshops

During the process,  four working group meetings were facilitated with service providers and older adults to develop and refine strategies. In addition, over 100 participants attended a public workshop to talk about their experience as older adults in Columbus and provide feedback on the draft plan strategies.

Age-Friendly Columbus planned with, not for,
older adults. The strategic planning process consisted of several phases of research and engagement which resulted in a robust list of strategies.

View the Age-Friendly Columbus Strategic Plan

A Working, Living Document.

The three-year Strategic Plan included 17 strategies and 54 actions, and outlined a detailed implementation plan. Among others, the strategies included: “increase access to programs and information that allow older adults to age in community”; “promote intergenerational civic participation, cooperation and inclusion”; and “shift negative stereotypes around aging”. The implementation section of the Plan is a working, living document representing a snapshot in time of the Age-Friendly Columbus process. It will be continually updated as strategy leaders are secured and indicators identified.

citizen praise for the process

“Columbus has been focusing on the younger generation lately. It is good to see that older people are being considered as viable.”

Age-Friendly Columbus participant

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Project Type: strategic plan
Community Type: city, county
Client: MORPC
Services: public engagement, strategic planning