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$30 million over ten years committed, Re-use and Investment Vision revealed in Northwest Dayton

By December 10, 2019January 16th, 2023Project Updates

The City of Dayton and Premier Health have announced a $30 million commitment ($15 million by each entity) over the next ten years to facilitate the redevelopment of the former Good Samaritan Hospital site in Northwest Dayton and revitalization of the surrounding neighborhoods. The partners will leverage this funding to bring in state, federal and private philanthropy dollars to support the effort.

This announcement coincided with the release of the final Re-use and Investment Vision for the site and neighborhoods. A consultant team led by Planning NEXT worked in partnership with the City of Dayton, Premier Health and Citywide Development—as well as numerous community leaders and hundreds of members of the public—to create the Vision. It includes two redevelopment concepts for the site and dozens of other recommendations for the site and neighborhoods. The vision centered on two themes: Promoting Health and Wellness, which focused on getting “upstream” from health issues and connecting people who live and work in the area to wellness opportunities, and Advancing Next Generation Learning, which focused on supporting a “game-changing” partnership approach to education and wrap around services for families.

The next steps for the site and surrounding neighborhoods will be led by a nonprofit development corporation called Phoenix Next Dayton. Community leaders will work collaboratively on this very important work. As Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley stated at the press conference for the unveiling, “The redevelopment of the former Good Samaritan Hospital is a critical project for the City of Dayton, and the Phoenix Next Vision Document will lay the groundwork for this work.”

Recent press about Phoenix Next can be found here and here.