Grove City, OH 
GroveCity2050 Plan

Grove City is a fast-growing suburban city within the growing central Ohio region. While the city is positioned to continue to grow, leaders recognized that local and regional conditions are changing and that the city needed to update its policies to best capitalize on that change. The city launched GroveCity2050 to update its land use plan, transportation plan, and other policies to help ensure that Grove City continues to be a desirable place to live, work, and invest. Planning NEXT led the effort with support from Randall Gross / Development Economics.

Leveraging insight2050

This plan seeks to leverage the work of insight2050, a regional initiative launched in 2014 to help communities prepare for development and population growth over the next 30+ years, a period projected to be dramatically different from the past. insight2050 provide local policymakers, business leaders, developers, and public stakeholders with a clear and objective understanding of the impacts of varying growth choices and public investment decisions.

A process guided by community input.

More than any plan in the city’s past, GroveCity2050 was shaped by community ideas, values and aspirations. A diverse 30-member citizen steering committee formed through a public application process helped lead the community outreach effort and translate ideas into recommendations. The engagement effort included a hands-on planning workshop, an open house, and online opportunities.

An integrated approach, toward focused growth

GroveCity2050 is the city’s first plan to link land use, transportation, and economic development into a mutually supportive set of strategies.

Reflecting insight2050, the plan represents a departure from past trends and existing plans. It supports a focused approach to growth with greater infill and redevelopment, and identifies ways the community can evolve to meet the needs of our future population while maintaining the best aspects of Grove City’s character.

Its major recommendations include focusing outward expansion to areas already served by infrastructure, utilizing a character-based approach to land use, encouraging mixed-use in strategic locations, supporting a complete streets philosophy, and creating a more diverse economy with more job opportunities for residents.

GroveCity2050 received the 2017 Comprehensive Plan Small Jurisdiction Award from the Ohio Chapter of the American Planning Association.

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Project Type: land use plan
Community Type: small city
Client: Grove City, Ohio
Services: public engagement, visioning, land use planning